About Us

ALBAS publishing house was established in 2000. Since its beginnings ALBAS has had and continues to have as its principal, school publications. Headquartered in Tirana, Tetovo, Pristina and Presevo, ALBAS-i not only brings the English text closer to students in different geographic areas, but also prepares it according to the special requirements of educational systems in these countries.

ALBAS-of directed its potential for publishing textbooks originally in Macedonia (2001), Kosovo (2004), and later, with the onset of Altertekst reform in Albania (2005 onwards), which operates a large number of school textbooks, and in recent years in Presevo, which are approved by the Ministry of Education lines of Albanian Language textbooks and history books. For national important subjects, such as Albanian language and Albanian history ALBAS has cooperated and cooperates with the working groups, which include renowned authors participated in these areas so that these texts have a spirit as open Albanian nationwide.

One of the biggest projects ALBAS's (the first inaugurated the book fair in Tirana (November 2009) and Pristina (March 2010) is to prepare the package "nationwide Primer" compiled by a specialist team working didaktë of linguists from Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo, a package that most realized so far for learning the mother tongue. This package is used by many teachers in Macedonia, Kosovo, Presevo, and is welcome in the Diaspora.

A Albas's the last few years is a priority project "Publications for pre-school." This project started in 2008 with the publication of various instructional packages that fulfill the objectives of the curriculum for children of this age. In this project ALBAS is co-operating with several Western publishing house to bring small children fairly series related to the current topic: Protecting the planet; Let's be frank; best behavior etc., or books and other artistic and scientific.

Another ongoing project and is supplemented by a significant number of titles, is the publication of university textbooks; psychological books, both fiction and scholarly.

In recent years, the ALBAS has increased the number of titles that come as its cooperation with publishers from various countries, such as Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Croatia, England, Russia, America, etc.